Social Awareness Actions

Guided by respect for the environment, the Scientific Society, the Organizing Committee and the Conference Organizing Company will proceed to ecological actions, using raw material and environmentally friendly elements for the production of conference material. The badges (eco-badge) that will be used are made of material, with the use of which the plastic case is avoided, with all the catastrophic consequences that plastic brings to the environment. Participants can hand over their badges to the secretariat for recycling after the end of the conference. At the same time, with the innovative technology of e-Posters and through their electronic submission, creation and presentation, the Hellenic Respiratory Society and the organizers of the Conference will contribute to the reduction of paper printing and the avoidance of energy use in order to transfer posters to the conference area. 

Important Dates

Congress Dates: 11-15 December 2024

Abstract Submission Start: 1 August 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline: 8 October 2024

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